Fresh flowers are an instant way to my heart.
They just bring SO much life into a space!
My dad has always had a green thumb. There were many spring and summer afternoons where he would be found digging in the flower beds around our house, planting and replanting different bulbs and blooms. For me, gardening was a way to escape the indoor chores my mom had waiting for me, and bond with my dad.
Many summer days were spent rearranging landscaping. My dad would work so long and so hard his whole body would be covered in droplets of sweat. I would continually bring him glasses of water and watch as he drained his cup, almost instantly. While daddy worked, he taught me which plants loved sunlight, and which ones prefered shade. He explained which plants were seasonal, and which plants would bloom all year-long.
Daddy even gave me a small piece of land where I could plant my own garden. We went to nurseries together and I picked the flowers I wanted to grow in my garden. With excited anticipation, I watched my garden grow, bloom & flourish.
It is out of my love for gardening, that my love and appreciation of growth was formed.
All of that being said, I am utterly smitten by flowers.
I wanted to create something to showcase their beauty and elegance… so I crafted a flower crown from a small bouquet I found for $5 at Walmart.
Yep, Walmart.
After a few hours of cutting and bending and taping, my creation was formed….
and I can’t wait to share it with you in full, next week for the next feature of “the FREE fifteen”!