I am convinced that it’s the little things in life that make all the difference. A decision to be encouraging, a smile and a “Hey, how are you?” can be total game changers in life!
Alex is a game changer. She over FLOWS with joy and loves to invest in people. She’s NEVER met a stranger—and I mean that. Months ago, when I visited The University of Mobile for the very first time, Alex let me stay with her for a week. Christ ministered to me SO MUCH through Alex and her contagious joy! It was during that week that God revealed his plan for my future at UM. Since then, Christ has revealed many things to Alex as well.
One of those revelations happened a few months ago. In December, Alex had the opportunity to serve with her brass & percussion ensemble, Ramcorps, in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Once stateside Alex began to realized just how MUCH her experiences there had pulled at her heartstrings and began to wonder if Christ was calling her to serve on the missions field…
One afternoon, Alex found herself sitting across from a close mentor & friend. Confirmation began to flow as her mentor explained that he too felt like Alex had a strong calling for her life.His words of encouragement were comforting, but Alex didn’t know what to do next.
Which, -pause for a second- haven’t we ALL been there? Being encouraged by something we know to be true, but not knowing what the NEXT STEP is?
The next step came sooner than Alex thought, but also, smaller than Alex thought (you’ll see what I mean by that in a second). Ramcorps was invited to go to a nearby church and share their testimony of what God did in Jamaica. Alex’s went to go and support her friends and had no real intention of standing up to speak. After a few spoke, Alex knew she had to. Her nerves began to sink in as she looked over the crowd of listening teenagers….
But she did it. As soon as she took the mic, her nerves COMPLETELY vanished and Christ spoke through her as she shared her heart. Because she suppressed her fear and stood up to spoke, Alex now knows that it is something she wants to continue to do. She wants to inspire others to step out and seek Christ because of her experiences—and that’s a game changer.
Anna, I love the pics and the story. Thanks for pouring into Alex’s life. She loves you and you have become a great friend!! Be blessed.
Anna, you have the gift of making people shine:)
Brought tears to my eyes! I am so proud of my neice! Anna your reporting was WONDERFUL!