from left to right: 1. 8th grade girls from Eufala’s DNOW, 2. Family, 3. Magnolias in Bloom, 4. Roomies, 5. My heart’s Hymn, 6. Zip Lining at DNOW, 7. A sweet reminder, 8. Mobile DNOW leaders, 9. Me getting my picture taken!
Community: These last 3 weekends have been spent away. No, not relaxing, but instead, investing! Working retreats and Disciple Now’s (discipling teenagers) has been such an incredible experience. I’ve met so many incredible people (which you know I LOVE!) and watched as God has used little ole me in a variety of circumstances. In the heart of it all, I have been reminded of the value of the individual. How each person has a story, so unique, and so beautifully written. Its powerful, really, when you think about how different we are all from each other, and how wonderful that really is…
Glamor Photography: My first knowledge of glamor photography occurred years ago as I found myself flipping through a Vogue magazine. The models, the imagery… It was so different, so artistic. I liked it, but I couldn’t help but wonder how much of these glamor shoots were photo shopped and edited to remove the person, and replace them with an idea. I firmly believe in artwork, and artist interpretation, but I also believe that the most incredible form of art is humanity. So I’ve been dabbling in a little glamor myself… Inspired in part by Sue Bryce, I’m excited to see what comes of this new adventure. Be on the look out on THURSDAY for a little debut !
Family: I MISS my family. I’m happy to say that I will be seeing them in a little less than a week (praise the Lord for Spring Break)! In moments when I crave my family in Virginia, I have been blessed with a community of people here in Mobile that have made themselves family to me, and I am grateful. You know who you are <3
Pursuit 31: Do you ever feel the need to just DO something? For some time now, I’ve felt the tug and pull of attending a conference for creatives called Pursuit 31. But I’ve always had an excuse: I’m not ready for that yet, I’m not really a business woman quite yet, I can’t afford it, No one will take me seriously…. Let me just say those excuses were strictly rooted in insecurity. Once I karate chopped my insecurity in the face I finally realized something: I will never be “adequate” in my own standards, but I no longer want to live within the walls that my insecurity tries to trap me in. Praise the LORD for that. So, I’m attending the Pursuit 31 conference in the Fall and trusting that God will not only provide financially but grow me as his daughter, a businesswoman, and as a dreamer.
Dreaming: Speaking of being a dreamer…. sometimes my mind finds itself drowned in a glowly warmth. It wraps itself up in hope and finds itself sparking dreams in my imagination. Dreams literally inspire and spur me- dreams for the future, and dreams for my business. Here’s to seeing dreams come true!
Happy Monday!
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