Mornings are my favorite time of day.
The quiet, the seclusion, getting up before anyone else is awake, slipping down stairs and outside on the front porch with coffee in one hand and a journal of dreams in the other.
This morning, as I was eating my blueberries and thinking about where I want my business to go I got a little distraught. There are so many different directions that an artist can take in the way they want to produce and present their work. I’ve been discouraged for awhile now, not knowing if I should just buy better equipment, or invest in defining my brand, blog or website and allowing it to reflect my personality as a photographer.
I’m sure if you are a business owner, or an artist of any sort- you’ve been there. You’ve been to that place where you have no idea where you’re going and you question why you’re in it to begin with. Everyone else seems to be establishing themselves and making something of their passions and you’re stuck wondering where to proceed with yours.
Galatians 6:4 says…
“Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.”
I instantly was encouraged. There is a part of me that is a control freak, and a perfectionist. I want to learn and grow in any shape and form possible. But, I don’t need to get anxious and worry and dwell in the unknown- for that accomplishes nothing.
Life likes to throw punches and kinks. But if I try and anticipate those kinks and punches I will waste so much time being unproductive and unsatisfied than if I just roll with them when they come my way.
I won’t be like the other artists and business owners I admire- and I’m not supposed to be. I’m supposed to be me- there is not one else like Anna Filly.
Where ever you are, what ever is going on- don’t be discouraged. Hold tight to what you know you’re good at and hold tight to what your passions are and don’t let go.
They’re yours for a reason.
Amen , Anna girl!
I pretty much love this <3 It's a great reminder of something so simple! 🙂
So glad it encouraged you, Sarah! 🙂