One of THE most important things about having a business is knowing the personality of your business. With that being said, one of the easiest ways to build the personality of your business is to simply reflect YOUR personality IN your business. Branding is how you do that! Your brand is simply your promise about what your customers can expect from you. A Logo, website, blog, business cards… these items reflect that promise & your business’s personality!
Branding excites me, but I have to be honest, in the beginning it intimidated me! For months I’ve been trying to figure out my brand. I’ve searched the web aimlessly admiring different websites, & blogs hoping something would jump out at me and say “Anna THIS is your brand!” But nothing has come to me! I liked almost EVERYTHING!
My personality is outgoing, bold, adventurous, and passionate… but those words seem to be very overpowering when they are put together. I didn’t want the brand of my business to over power my clients! I knew I needed a second opinion, so I asked a few close friends to describe my personality in just a few words and the results were so helpful! I got words like joy-filled, authentic, elegant, words that I didn’t even think about! My friends helped me see myself in a different light, which then helped me better discover my brand!
From there I was able to pick different colors, textures and designs that reflected the words I was given. And the results are what you see above! I absolutely LOVE it! Creating a design board is so helpful when branding because if gives you something to fall back on. When designing my business cards & website, I simply pull this up any time I get stuck 🙂
Branding has definitely been super exciting for me this summer! More sneak peeks about the design process will be coming, I promise! Do you all notice the three main colors in the design board?
Its branding season! Very nice! Good luck to you! Nice color pallate by the way…
Love your color scheme. It will be you, amazing!