Every now and then something happens in my life and I walk away from the situation chuckling to myself thinking “This was soooo blog worthy”. Sometimes the chuckles happen instantly, and sometimes they happen days later. Usually because of blog scheduling (or better judgement) I leave the story in my own personal memories for self amusement later…
(I’ve been told I find myself a lot funnier than I really am… the verdict is still out on that one 😉
But, SOMETIMES, a story will wind up on here, and today just so happens to be one of those times!
See, Saturday was a normal day in the life of Anna Filly. I woke up with the sun, had my 5+ cups of coffee, journaled, cleaned the house, got work done, sent emails, signed contracts and even ran some errands. I had a photo shoot scheduled for later in the afternoon and I was excited. One of my sweet friends just so happens to be getting married in a few weeks so a bridal session had been scheduled!
We had waited to solidify the date until last minute, which wouldn’t have been an issue…
But, about two hours before the session I realized something.
We didn’t have a bouquet.
See, to some of you that seems like no big deal. But to my planners, and my detail oriented A type personalities- you FEEL me. Not having a bridal bouquet for a bridal shoot is like allowing a 5 year old to do your makeup. You can let it happen, but it may not be the prettiest sight.
As soon as I realized we needed a bouquet I made a few phone calls to my favorite local florists.
Everyone was either done for the day or fully booked. Then, I did what any flower loving photographer would do in an emergency situation: I headed to every super market between my house and our photo session location.
Two Food Lion’s, Two Walmarts and a Kroger.
Praise God for Kroger.
I finally found some white and yellow blooms that weren’t dyed a neon color from the ’80s or dying and bought as many as I could.
Then-running- to my car I proceeded to cut the stems, pick out the dead ones blooms, arrange them, tie them with rubber bands, tape them together and pin a piece of leftover burlap around the bottom. It all looked a little something like this….
Excuse the iPhone photography- it’s a hobby I haven’t mastered yet– Sitting in my car in the Kroger parking lot with the windows down and doors open in 90+ degree heat.. and taking up two parking spaces in the process.
Note to any wanna be florists out there- it’s a whole lot harder than it looks. To all of my floral vendors, I have a new mad respect for the awesomeness you do on the daily.It was ghetto. It was the longest 15 minutes of flower crafting I’ve ever performed (flower crafting isn’t a thing, is it?). And yes. We had a bouquet.
And the bride to be was thrilled. Reason #1,390 why I love my job. Anything can happen. And you just gotta roll with it 😉
Happy Monday!
Been there done that! But I wasn’t fretting. I did a volunteer wedding shoot. Had the house and the bride and dress. But no bouquet. I believed I used Publix Go Anna
Just wanted to let you know I’ve nominated you for a “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”… http://fashionbride.wordpress.com/2014/06/03/very-inspiring-blogger-award/