I prayed a lot before coming to camp in late May. One thing that I prayed consistently was for Christian girl friends. I’ve always “clicked” better with guys than girls. Most guys have this “no drama” “make me laugh and you’re in” policy. But…. there are just some things girls and guys can’t bond over. Like… how important the necessity for chocolate is on a consistent basis… and how retail therapy really DOES work… and how Ryan Gosling IS Prince Charming in real life.
Back home Christian girlfriends are few & far between. I’ve come to realize that I have few Christian girl friends that are in LOVE with Christ. It’s so hard to be in the world & not of it in this day & age. So many are happy being “comfortable” and I knew in my heart of hearts that I wasn’t.
I don’t mean to step on toes when I say this, but I knew I needed friends to hold me accountable, and love me enough to say the hard things. I wanted what Proverbs 27:17 talks about… I wanted iron to sharpen iron… I wanted real depth and passionate perusal of Christ, I craved it.
Its three weeks into camp, and Christ has blown my mind. I’m surrounded by Godly women who love and encourage me. These girls aren’t afraid to say the hard things, they genuinely love me for me. It’s a miracle I’m sure. But God’s done it. He’s allowed me to get close to these ladies and appreciate them for whose He’s created them to be. We’re all so uniquely different, but we all love each other the same. My heart is so full and so happy as I type this. I can’t wait to see what He does with these relationships in the years to come. The awesome thing about having Christian girlfriends is, it doesn’t just start and end on this side of life, but goes on for eternity.
A few of us went on an adventure to downtown Charleston and I was able to snap a few pictures of my beautiful friends. You’ll see more of the others in posts soon to come, but I couldn’t NOT post these photos of these three. Beth, Audrey & Marianna are not only beautiful outside, but on the inside as well. They are just three of the seventeen Christian girlfriends I’ve been blessed with 🙂 And you’ll see more of they’re gorgeous faces in posts to come 🙂
I love you girl <3 you are so incredibly sweet and beautiful. I am sooooooo blessed to have you in my life!! -Audrey
God is soooooooo faithful to my beautiful lady. love you, Anna….Majah
i wish to be your friend