Dear David,
I am SO proud of you. Looking back over this last year of your life, I can’t help but shake my head and smile. LOOK what God has done! Look at who you’ve become! You have grown musically in countless ways (you finally started “living the dream” and played shows with your buds) , worked two different jobs (and put everything you are into being the best at each job), started leading worship full time at our local church, proposed to me (Best surprise EVER!), and finished your Senior year of college. The list goes on and on and now you’re off to even greater things….
You have no idea how much you inspire me, David. From your work ethic, to the way you always root for the underdog, I have learned so much from you. I am abundantly grateful for this season- no matter how crazy and chaotic it may be. We’ve counted down the days for you to graduate college, as if we knew what was waiting for us on the other side of your college graduation. Though, here and now, we are uncertain, I have no doubt that the God who has grown you and equipped you this past year, will continue to grow and equip you in the next.
Greater things are on their way David, for greatness dwells inside of you. Your humility, and servant’s heart are two of the most attractive things about you. Thank you for continually giving, even when you feel as if you have nothing to offer. Thank you for stepping outside of your comfort zone, and for pushing yourself to try new things. You break down walls with your courage, and you encourage others as you do so….. there is no one like you, David. Of that, I am absolutely certain.
Here we are, in this moment in time, five months from now we will be married, but let’s not forget this little season of in between. These last few months have been so hard. You’ve worked, and led, loved and given your all in attempt to finish well. You have finished well, David, SO well. The struggle of this season has shown your strength. Though it has worn you out, you have proven yourself to be a man worthy of the fight.
Well done, my sweet man, well done.
My heart overflows with gratitude when I look back over your journey, and it swells with joy when I look at what is to come. Where ever you go, know what I am here, beside you. I am your greatest cheerleader, and biggest fan. Thank you for working so hard, and for being a man worthy of the Gospel. I am so blessed to be yours.
The best is yet to come,
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