Its registration day at MFUGE. This day comes every monday and is crrraaaaaay. Churches sign up for ministry tracks, adults have countless meetings, church pictures are taken, rooms are assigned….. its intense. But I have to admit, I absolutely love it. It’s week 6 which means that I’ve done 5 registration days thus far…. and today marks the 6th. But it’s not JUST the 6th time I’ve done registration— its also the day that my home church is coming to camp. OH YEAH! The CrossHeirs are COMING TO FUGE!!!!!! I am SO PUMPED! I’ve been praying for this week relentlessly. It’s the first time our youth group has ever done a “Church Camp” and I know that GREAT THINGS are going to happen. I’ve watched God do His THING all SUMMER here, and I can’t wait for my kids to be a part of it. PRAY HARD friends! God is sovereign!
Wish I could be there! Miss you babe! Majah