I am a girl who is ALL about adventure. I was the kid growing up, would would always explore her surroundings, ask a million questions, and who loved exploring the unknown. So, it comes as no surprise to me that the Lord loves to gift me adventurous situations- like a spontaneous road trip to Disney World for the SECOND YEAR in a row! Last year, my sweet friend Jessica and I went to Orlando to visit some friends of ours and to TRY to see if we could get some (free) tickets to Disney World. What transpired was an incredible week filled with incredible people, memories, and YES, Free Disney Tickets.
Life is so beautiful.
Who doesn’t like free magic?
Exactly.This year, my mom and sister had made plans to visit my sister’s boyfriend, Fisher, at Disney World, where he works. I had been invited, but told my sister my schedule just wouldn’t allow it.
All the while I made plans behind her back to surprise her.
I made my way to Orlando BEYOND excited and I must say- the surprise was a success! Kinda… My sister, Myra, has a way of just “knowing” things…. So she says she knew… but we’ll pretend she didn’t 😉
We spent the next three days adventuring through Disney World together. My mom and sister had never been, so watching their sweet faces experience Disney for the first time was simply magical! Fisher was incredible as well- so helpful and such a great guide. We explored all the parks and had a BLAST.She is the best friend I could every ask for <3
I met Belle and couldn’t stop laughing… She was chill about it though.
Belle was always my favorite growing up… She totally rocks
Myra tried to tell me I was simba….
and then we saw Anna & Elsa, and I literally FREAKED out… this is all that remains of that memory…And then I met Pocahontas …..
and I told her I was Katniss Everdeen… and we needed to make a movie together….
So she taught me some of her sweet moves and I had her people call my people 😉
Literally my favorite picture of ALL time:
And then the best selfie EVER was captured….Fisher even took my sister out for the SWEETEST DATE EVER 🙂
They literally are SO PRECIOUS!
Mom is gonna kill me for posting this, but I just love it! Myra and I are working on our princess poses 😉
They celebrated their year anniversary with Myra making HOMEMADE ( SHE MADE THESE) Lady & the Tramp Rice Crispy Treats.Cause Lady & the Tramp is there thing.
And then we all lived Happily Ever After <3
Hope it’s magical !
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