The August “From My Journal” Series is done. A part of me is breathing a heavy sigh of relief. Sharing ones journal entries can be very… interesting. Of course there were some pieces that had to be left out due to length and flow of each post. But the majority of each day was documented on this site. The purpose of these posts was to show the mini miracles Christ worked in me during my week in Alabama, just like the whole purpose of this blog is to reflect who Christ created me to be and who He is in me.
Maybe I’ll do another series like this in the future, maybe not. We’ll see. But thank you dear reader, for reading these posts and for coming back each day.
I truly appreciate you <3
On another note my GREAT photographer friend, Meagan, featured me on her blog today! SO BLESSED! Check it out!
This girl! Mmm, i love what God has done and will do for you and how you always give it back to HIm:) That’s it, enough said. I will not babble because those words are simply enough for YOU, the young peacock 😀 (Just texted you the peacock thing.)