Just like any three-year old boy, Gibson loves adventure. I have found that in all of my photo shoots of little youngsters, the best photos come when you let them do what they love, and don’t force them to sit still. It is SO fun watching them and capturing the moments when they feel most comfortable! Gibson was no exception. As soon as he found out he could venture anywhere he wanted to as long as I was with him, he decided photo shoots weren’t half bad!
Along on his photo adventure was his wonderful mom, Rebecca, and the ever help and beautiful, Kei. Gibson absolutely loved the attention! Once again, bringing friends on photo shoots proved to make the atmosphere more fun and comfortable. Gibson had a blast! Aren’t these mommy kisses adorable!?
Towards the end of the photo shoot, Kei noticed Gibson had an eye lash on his cheek, so she put it on her finer and told him to make a wish and blow it… of course it was just the cutest thing ever….
One thing I absolutely adored about little Gibson was his attention to detail. He loves to explore, notices tiny details, and show everyone around him his newfound discoveries. What us adults see as just plain ole gravel, Gibson notices the sea shells hidden in the gravel. “Mom, look it’s a sea shell!”
Little boys love to throw things, so what better way to invite Fall to come than to throw a few leaves in the air? Such a cutie!!
At the very end of the photo shoot, Rebecca let her little man run through the sprinklers for doing such a good job! It was SO adorable!
Happy Wednesday!
I adore your B&W’s
Anna, these are beautiful! Stewartfield was the perfect setting for sweet Gibson! LOVE IT!
Beautiful boy!