All through life we search for truth. I am often reminded of this as I teach my Crossheirs- a group of teenagers that make up our Church’s youth group. Being teenagers, they constantly search for what is true, and what is not. They test it, rebel against it and finally come to a conclusion. This conclusion EXCITES me more than words can describe. The truth they find is Jesus 🙂
Josh Verde is a seeker of truth. He’ll be the first to tell you that it inspires and motivates him to have better understanding. Because when you’re searching for truth, you’re ultimately searching for Christ!
If I know anything, it is that wherever you find truth, you find God. – Josh
Like Avel, Josh has realized that people don’t want to be preached at, and they don’t want a “You can’t do this or that” religion. What they want is a relationship– they might just not know it! That’s why Josh encourages to find the Truth out for themselves. He encourages people to ask questions, have doubt, and seek answers– and I just LOVE that.
This is after a security guard on the building we were on asked us what we were doing… I told him Josh was a model and I was his photographer 😉
and of course Josh brought a friend with him! Kei is SO SWEET! Just love her 🙂
Ultimately this is only a snip bit of Josh’s story, but it is one that captivates my attention. Evangelism shouldn’t be a “My thing works better than what your thing” mentality. It should be one that encourages us to discover and seek to find…
When you seek to find the answers to those questions, with everything you are… you come to the conclusion that everything you are was made by someone who knows everything you’ve done and will do, and wants every part of it.
….and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32
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