One of my most favorite things is worship. Worshipping Christ has such a broad spectrum. It can be and should be done in every aspect of our lives… of course, the most known way is through music. Back home, I lead worship at my Church, and I absolutely love it. I’ve mentioned before that there’s nothing quite as “magical” as leading others into a state of authentic vulnerability, where they can adore and appreciate their Savior in rhythmic wonder. Its a privilege, an honor, and a huge blessing.
At Fuge, that blessing is bestowed upon Robbie and he does a fantastic job. He doesn’t only use His musical abilities to Worship Christ, but He uses his life. I respect that more than he’ll ever know simply because it’s a testament that Jesus has his heart.
Robbie is a gifted leader and great friend. I’ve been able to learn and grow from Him as a worship leader, from a worship leader. It’s a joy and so much fun serving beside someone who can be both real & authentic, but also a complete and total GOOFBALL. If you’re planning on attending FUGE CAMPS in Charleston this summer- you’ll get what I mean.
A lot of campers this summer have echoed they’re belief that salvation is as easy as the “ABC”. If you were raised in church, you know what A: Admit that you’re a sinner, B: Believe that Jesus is Lord & C: Commit your life to Him. But salvation is so much more than that! Its a process, not a final one time thing…
Robbie said something that really resonated in my heart and I loved it….
“When you are pursuing a relationship with someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with, you don’t just love them with everything in you from the day you meet. It is a lifelong process of getting to know eachother’s strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and experiencing them in all the different arenas of life. Since our relationships here on earth are intended to be modeled after the church’s relationship to Christ, I do not believe that it should be different. I prayed the initial prayer of salvation when I was six years old with my Mom. I was home schooled and we were in the middle of our Bible lesson and I told her I wanted to be a Christian and give my heart to Jesus. 14 years later I realized there is a major difference between giving your heart to Jesus and giving your entire life to Jesus. In the fall of my sophomore year of college I “rededicated” or recommitted my LIFE to Christ and began taking my walk with my Savior much more seriously. There are still struggles and trials and I still make an embarrassing number of mistakes on a daily basis but thankfully His love never fails, never gives up and NEVER runs out on me.”
Tonight is acoustic night. It’s my favorite night for worship because of its simplicity. God has done so many incredible things during our worship experiences, so if you’re reading this, I beg of you to lift these nights up in prayer. They’re incredible and I can not wait to see what God does in and through them tonight, and in the weeks that follow 🙂
Gotta love my girl! So proud of you….Majah
Ok no words can describe how awesome these guys are. They picked the most awesomest empowering songs ever!!!!!!:):):)