I keep thinking back to the first moment when something in me decided I had to go to Italy. It had been in December of last year, I sat on my sofa in front of our glowing Christmas tree and looked up plane ticket prices. Discouraged, I closed my laptop and prayed a two sentence prayer that a miracle would happen. It was because of those two sentences that I believe Christ opened a door…. and now, here I am. As I type this I’m on a train bound for Rome.
I wish I could tell you every detail. I wish I could convey every thought, emotion, conversation, taste, smell….So many things have transpired on this two-week trip in Pordenone, Italy. It wasn’t at all what I expected.
I didn’t expect the people of Pordenone to captivate every chamber of my heart and fill it to the brim with new-found love. I didn’t expect meal times to last hours on end. I didn’t expect to be so awed by the beauty of this wonderful country. I didn’t expect laughter to be universal language.
I didn’t expect worshiping my Savior in song to be as powerful as it was. I didn’t expect to see over 10 people go from death to life in Christ. I didn’t expect to make such intimate friendships. I didn’t expect God to show up, and show off in such a marvelous and spender filled way….
But it happened, it all happened, and so much more, and I was a part of it… and for that, I am eternally grateful. My God is a God who saves. He is a God of Majesty and power. Of Love and redemption. He is a God that never changes, never fails, and never let’s go. He uses anyone and anything to make His love known. If we only let Him He can do incredible, life changing wonders through us.
I have learned what it means to be a vessel for my Jesus. A place where His spirit can dwell and His message can be made known in and through. I want nothing else than to continue to be exactly that. I want two sentence prayers to continue to open doors for Jesus to do His thing.
Here I am Lord, Send me.
Isaiah 6:8
Can’t wait to hear all about it.
Love, Pat
I miss you, my Anna! I am thrilled with all God is doing in and through you. I love you. Majah
Blessings on your time in Rome!! (be sure to squeeze in time at the Vatican Museum, especially under Michelangelo’s ‘Creation’ in the Sistene Chapel – & be sure to have your spiritual journal on hand : )
Thanks for sharing your gift of photography – BEAUTIFUL PICS,!
grace, peace & Italy groupies – Virginia