Raising Baskin | Our Four Month Old Cocker Spaniel Puppy
Our little cocker spaniel puppy, Baskin is celebrating her four month birthday this week. She’s a spunky little thing, with a lot of energy and a love for exploring. Her little nose leads her on one adventure after another, and it has been such a joy watching her grow. Though we’ve only had Baskin for a month, we’ve already been able to see some changes from her “little puppy” stage into her “teenage phase” as we like to call it. She’s getting more independent, and more expressive, and her precious “sad eyed expression” is becoming a little more joy filled. With her physical changes has also come changes for us as well. Personally, Baskin has taught me SO much about myself. She’s a joy that I didn’t know I needed.
We didn’t plan on getting Baskin. I think that’s my favorite part of her adoption story. She was a surprise we never saw coming, a Jesus kiss at Christmas time. Of course, David and I had had the “what if we adopt a puppy” talk on more than one occasion. David, being the tender, dog-loving person that he is, frequently insisted that we needed a dog sooner rather than later. I, knowing that the dog would mostly be my responsibility (since I work from home), was a little more reserved about the idea. I loved the idea of puppy snuggles and adding to our little family. But I also knew that potty training and the extra responsibility would be an adjustment I didn’t think I was ready to make.
Then, we met Baskin.
I’m someone that really and truly has loved working most of their life. I often get tunnel vision and work hard until a project is complete. I find joy in perfecting projects, completing tasks, making the most of my time and doing a job well done. I also really love my independence. So, you can imagine my struggle when our four footed puppy had the need to be taken outside every 45 minutes during my work day. Just as soon as I was starting to get into the groove of things, she would start to squat. Let me tell you, those first few days, I didn’t like our chocolate colored pupper. But, I also didn’t like myself.
I started to noticed bitterness, and self righteousness in my responses to Baskin. She would want to play with me, and I would get frustrated with her. She would need to go for a walk, and I would be so annoyed. She would want to snuggle in my lap, and I would try to convince her that thee floor was more comfortable.
Even as I type this, I can’t help but shake my head. I was so focused on me, myself and I, that I resented our precious little puppy for being a puppy.
The Lord has such a precious way of allowing us to have exactly what we need. We’ve had Baskin for exactly one month now, and goodness gracious she has been such a gift. Slowly but surely, my perspective towards her started to change after that first week. When she wanted to play, and I wanted to work, I’d spend a few minutes on the floor, laughing as she would chase her toys and slide across the hardwood. When Baskin needed to go for a walk, I decided I needed a brain break, and I’d use that time to pray or breath or dream. My tunnel vision for work had blinded me to much else, and Baskin opened my eyes to that.
These last few weeks have been so good for my soul. As my perspective has changed, so has my heart. There’s an openness in my perspective that has been closed before… a willingness of sorts. One of these days, I’ll blog more in depth about how we’ve learned as we’ve trained Baskin, but right now all I can think about is how she’s trained me to look outside myself.
I love you, little Bas. You’re precious. And one day, you’re gonna love the beach and not be scared of the waves 🙂 Just LOOK at that little concerned face !!!
Cheers to living life, and learning from it, every step of the way!
Anna Filly
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