I’m convinced everyone needs a random road trip buddy. You know the type. The one that you can call at night and say, ” Hey, wanna go to Atlanta tomorrow? Hannah is having a book signing.”
There is a whimsy to life when you have friends like that. Things just seem more doable. Answers like: “Actually…. yes. Yes, I would love to go to Atlanta tomorrow. And yes, lets please surprise Hannah!” flow freely as you realize the pros dramatically outweigh the cons.
Big things happen when you’re willing to do little things with big flare. Like making a random road trip to Atlanta, because your friend wrote a book and you want her to sign it. Things like that are what good memories are made of– the kind you look back on and say “I’m really glad I did that.”
Moriah is my random road trip buddy. She’s my adventurous little nomad. My friend to whom I can call anytime I want to do something I’ve never done before. She’s always on board for travel of any kind and trying things she’s never tried before.
Good friends are people like Moriah.
Atlanta was so good to us. While we were in there, (after we surprised Hannah and got our books signed), we adventured through this beautiful city with our cameras in hand and I got to photograph this gorgeous girl.
Cheers to random road trips and making the most out of the life you live!
I love this post & you two!!! Two amazing women of God who inspire me daily! You both encourage me so much, and joy shines through you! & I can’t wait to finally get to meet both of you in just a few days!!! <3 😀