You may remember Reagan, the beautiful baby girl I was able to capture about 6 months ago. Famous for her brilliant blue eyes, this adorable little one celebrated her 1st birthday recently!
It’s so incredible to think that a year has gone by since this sweet little girl was welcomed into this world. So much has happened, so much has changed. Reagan has grown up to beautifully. She talks now. Well, not in english… but in baby gurggles and coos.
There are rare moments when she isn’t expressing herself vocally, and in those moments, she’s usually into something she shouldn’t be.

Watching her mom raise her has opened my eyes in so many ways. Being a mommy is hard. But it’s also so rewarding. It’s crazy to think that this precious bundle was only days old when I held her in my arms this time last year.
I don’t mean to get all sappy and sentimental…. but it’s kinda sorta heart melting.
Reagan and I have dates usually once every other week. We bake (she chews on measuring cups) we go shopping (I put things in the shopping cart and she throws them out), and we both enjoy nap time (except when she thinks she doesn’t need a nap…).
She has such a personality and I love it! Time has literally flown by, and I am so blessed to be a part of the adventure this last year has brought for this cutie! I can’t wait to see what this next year brings!
Beautiful Baby