Stories serve as connecting points. We all have gone through things: good things, hard things, beautiful things, messy things…. It comforts us to know that we’re not alone in that. It encourages us when we see someone come out of some heartbreaking, tragic or difficult event, stronger than when they first faced it.
Be encouraged, because that someone is Stacie.
Stacie radiates beauty. Her big brown eyes and dark brown hair frame a heart of gold. That golden heart could only be crafted by one person- and that person is Jesus Christ.
Stacie’s heart has been broken many times. Brokenness has cracked her heart, and left space in between the pieces. As humans we often we try to fill that space with things, overeating, romantic pursuits, lust, retail therapy and more. These things may numb the pain, distract us for a moment, but they do not fill the cracks. The cracks from our broken hearts can only be filled by Christ and his everlasting love. He solders the pieces back together to a condition more beautiful than they were before.
For this post, I don’t want to focus so much on what Stacie has gone through, but how she has gone through it, and WHO brought her through it.
For hundreds if not thousands of years, people have asked the question: Why does God let bad things happen?
It is something every human wonders and something that Stacie has pondered for as long as she can remember. How can a good God allow a family who serves him to be homeless? How can God allow disease and disability to cripple those we love deeply?
Though Stacie does not know the answers to these specific questions, she DOES know that God is good, and his love is deep. She has learned that he allows heartbreak and independence from him because in the heart our Savior is a longing for a relationship with each of us. This longing is not for robotic humans who follow his command, but instead, children who passionately fall in love with their creator. It’s almost as if he whispers, “Beloved, will you serve me if _______?”
He is God, and he is sovereign, with the answer to this question already in his hands. But he asks it of us so that we may know the answer ourselves. He wants us to want him- to deeply desire him.
Stacie has come to realize how deep and intimate her creator loves and treasures her, because of the pain she has gone through. Nothing else could pull her out of the deep valleys in which she has walked…nothing but Christ and his love. She knows that when Christ asks “Beloved, will you serve me if _______?”
Her answer is, “Yes, Lord. Yes!”
She wants him, and knows that no matter what she goes through, she will come out better than before when she clings to Christ through the journey.
“The Lord has used so many people along my journey that have encouraged me and lifted my spirits through the hardest times of my life. I want to be someone who can do the same for someone else. I want people to know that even though they may be at the bottom of a valley, there is victory in the valley if they just lean on God and allow Him to pull them through it. I have learned, through my darkest storms, that sometimes God allows the storm to rage to strengthen His children. I want people to know that no matter what they are facing there IS Hope and that Hope is found in the Lord. He WILL give you the strength, the faith, and the determination to walk through and to face ANYTHING!!!!”
I know in some way you are hurting. I know that you do not know why certain things have played out this way or that… But I also know someone who wants to fill your broken hearted cracks with satisfying love. Just ask.
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Anna Filly is such an inspiration. Was honored to be chosen to be a part of the free fifteen project.