Its morning. My hair looks like someone decided to give me a nookie, my breath is in high competition to resembling a dragon’s, and my eyes keep fluttering closed as they attempt to get one more moment of sleep. I’m tired and yes, I just rolled outta bed. Training week at Fuge has been fantastic. I’ve loved everything it’s had to offer, and I can’t believe that MONDAY is right around the corner ( FOUR days people)! Our leadership staff has done such a great job preparing us for the weeks to come. They’ve also spoiled us a with free goodies and Sonic milkshakes 🙂 So many prayers have been answered during this last week. In his grace, God has more than overfilled my heart.
What I’m doing at Fuge:
Oh golly, where do I begin? Mostly it’s a lot of preparation for ministry sites, bonding with my team members, and understanding what a Fuge ministry track leader does. As a team, we’ve gone over countless hours of bible study training, and ministry site training. We’ve also visited the places where we’re doing ministry this summer and met the majority of people we will be working with. I’m camp photographer, so I’ve been snapping pictures relentlessly as well. I’m SO EXCITED. The campers need to GET HERE!!
What I’m Reading:
2 Kings & Romans. I like a lil OT & a lil NT 😉 (old testament & new testament)
I love the mix of the two and Romans is an all time favorite… reminds me of ITALY every time my eyes scan the precious verses.
Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
I also keep journaling and rereading what I’ve journaled… if that counts.
What I’m Listening to:
I recently discovered a singer/songwriter, Josh Garrels and I have to admit he’s ama-za-zing. His voice is velvet and his sound is so unique. Not to mention he has a song called “White Owl”… yep, I’m pretty sure he loves owls just as much as I do.
What’s on my Heart:
For once in my life, I’m not the “girl up front”. I’m not the “worship leader” nor the “youth leader” nor the “preachers kid”. At first I was thrilled, relived almost, to finally be able to define myself on my own terms. I had people investing in me just as much as I was investing in them. I wouldn’t have to always be “on” I was free to just be…. me. Then came the questions “If I’m not the worship leader, who am I?” These last few days, I’ve been fighting thoughts like that. It’s kinda awesome though, because with each doubting thought comes affirmation that I’m here to SERVE. And I don’t need a stage to do that.
What’s God telling me:
To trust him, serve abundantly, spend more along time with him, and let him do his thing in and through me.
What to Pray for:
Physically speaking, I’m exhausted. I need more time dreamin’ but I haven’t exactly been making time for it. I now know why God didn’t want me to have a “College life” just yet, I’d spend all my time “bonding” with people on my floor I wouldn’t sleep a wink. haha
Welp, I’ve gotta go fix this crazed mane of hair and conquer this dragon’s breath. Another adventure awaits 😉
Sending love your way,
Even with the dragon’s breath and knit picked hair, there is no doubt that you still look absolutely gorgeous dear. And remember it’s not how pretty the flower appears, its how much water it soaks to help it grow. (A Little metaphor inspired by 1 Peter 1:24)
love and miss you sweet girl 🙂