I’m not very good at keeping New Years Resolutions… Maybe it’s me, maybe its the New Year… or maybe it’s the Resolutions that are the problem. Either way- I’ve learned that New Years Resolutions and I don’t get along.
But I want us to, I really really do.
Over the years I’ve learned how to keep New Years Resolutions without really making them.
A few years back I made a list of things that I wanted to do or incorporate into the New Year…and the tradition has stuck ever since! The beauty of it is that it has actually WORKED. Instead of doing things that I know add stress and pressure to my life (like dieting every month from the beautiful world of bread & cheese & chocolate) I make a list of things that would make life sweeter for me (no pun intended… okay, okay, It was intended ;).
I wanted to share this years list for two reasons:
1. It holds me accountable
2. Documenting my life on this blog is the BEST part about having a blog! I love looking back and rereading my life stories and the events that have transpired over time. Adding goals, lists and dreams is SUPER inspiring to me, and something my future self with undoubtably thank me for 🙂
Without further ado, here are 5 things that would make 2014 sweeter:
More fresh flowers- It sounds silly, I know. All of you men out there (well, the two of you who read the blog) are probably rolling your eyes at this “typical girl” thing. But for real. I just love fresh cut flowers. I love their smell, how they brighten up a room, and how simply they make me smile. I’ve realized that buying a bouquet on a bad day is something I can do for myself that just makes the day a little sweeter. And of course, having someone else buy you flowers multiplies that by 1,000,000 🙂
Praying MORE- In 2013 one thing I regretted the most was the way in which my prayer life declined. Honestly- my heart wasn’t in the right place, and I can see that now. One major goal for 2014 is to pray intentionally. One of my biggest pet peeves about myself (and our cultures as Christians) is that when someone tells me something that is weighing heavy on their heart and I respond with a sympathetic nod and “I’ll be praying for you”. No. No. NO. How many of us actually spend time in prayer FOR that person after we LEAVE that person? Exactly. So, I want to do something different. Instead of saying “I’ll be praying for you,” I want to drop what I’m doing, and PRAY. Right there– WITH the person.
More Reading – I’m secretly a huge bookworm. But I forgot about it. Literally, since January of last year I’ve only read about 3 books for fun. I forgot the beauty of a good book. One that takes you inside it, through the adventures, mystery, and intrigue it has to offer and leaves your mind craving more and igniting your imagination. I’ve picked up a few here and there that have caught my attention and I’m really excited about starting them. Over Christmas break I read Sarah’s Key (Great historical fiction about the Holocaust) and Graceling (You’ll love it if you liked The Hunger Games). Two totally different books about totally different things- but both were great reads. I just started Divergent and How to Study Your Bible. I can’t put them down. Go read a book. Just do it 🙂
Shoot to Kill- Hunters do it, and photographers should too! This is both a business & a creative/personal goal. Like I mentioned in my goals post for 2014- I want to be MORE intentional with capturing imagery. Like this…. This image was intentional, I spent time posing, directing and thinking instead of hoping, wishing, and shooting. It STILL melts my heart.
Become More Appreciative– A happy heart is a thankful heart. I want to appreciate the little things, people, and moments so much more than I already do. In my journal, I’ve started noting moments I’m thankful for, things that have filled me with gratitude, and people whom have blessed my heart. Being thankful takes ME out of the center of my universe (pride), and helps me focus on what’s truly important.
Welp, I’m going to start packing for a weekend in Gulf Shores, Al 🙂
Happy Friday!
I love it!!
so proud of my daughter, Anna Angeli’